5. React Native App: Dynamic Hello World with Color Scheme Detection

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I recommend going through the previous blogs of this Series: maroofs.hashnode.dev/series/react-native-de..

Styling into Components :

import React from "react";
import {
} from "react-native"

function AppPro() : React.JSX.Element{
    const isDarkMode = useColorScheme() === 'dark'
        <View style={styles.container}>
            <Text style={[isDarkMode ? styles.whiteText : styles.BlackText]}>

const styles = StyleSheet.create(
        container : { 
export default AppPro
  1. StyleSheet Component :

    • Just like in Web, we use Stylying to style the content and Website. Similarly in the World of React-Native, there is a component StyleSheet which helps in giving style to other components.
  1. useColorScheme Component :

    • This component is used for setting up colour modes inside an Element.

    • For Example, changing View from Dark Mode to Light Mode etc.

  2. function AppPro() : React.JSX.Element{}

    • React.JSX.Element this interface when combined with the AppPro() Component makes sure that the method should always return a JSX element.

    • For Exp, if we try to return something like this : return ("hello world") it's invalid because this string is not a JSX Element. Else we should return return( <View></View> ) , since it's a proper JSX element.

    • This explicit definition helps in writing less buggy code.

  1. useColorScheme()==='dark'

    • useColorScheme() checks for the default colour scheme set inside the Device where the app is running.

    • Then its comparing it with 'dark' inorder to check if the scheme is dark.

  2. <View style={styles.container}>

    • Here we are using the style from styles.container , where styles is an Object

    • const styles - The data type of the styles object is a plain JavaScript object. It is not a specific built-in data type but rather an object literal that holds multiple key-value pairs representing different styles.

    • The styles object contains multiple key-value pairs, where each key represents a style name, and the corresponding value represents the style properties associated with that name.

  3. <Text style={[isDarkMode ? styles.whiteText : styles.BlackText]}>

    • Here for Text component we have used a condition, if isDarkMode is True then we select styles.whiteText or else styles.BlackTest .
  4. Property alignItems :

    • Work on Main Axis and Secondary Axis.

    • alignItems of Web is different from react-native.

    • It shifts Components from Left to Right.

    • alignItems: stretch|center|flex-start|flex-end|baseline;

  5. Property justifyContent :

    • Works in Top to button

    • justify-content: flex-start|flex-end|center|space-between| space-around|space-evenly;

The provided code demonstrates a simple React Native program that prints "Hello" in either dark or light mode based on the device's color scheme. It utilizes the useColorScheme() hook to determine the current color scheme preference. The StyleSheet component is used for styling the components, and the View and Text components are used to structure and display the content. The code showcases the usage of conditional styling based on the color scheme and the concepts of flex layout.

[Although it's working only for Default Mode selected, We will see further how to do it in realtime.]